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William Chia-Wei Cheng

Tgif - Version 4.2 Patchlevel 2 Release Notes

This patch is kind of large in size. Some new features were made available in this patch because it was difficult to take them out.
Version 4.2 Patchlevel 2 Added Features/Bug Fixes
  1. Fix a bug with parsing Tgif.AdditionalFonts. Thanks to Thomas Sefzick <t.sefzick at> for pointing out the bug.

  2. Fix a bug with copying and pasting in cygwin. By default, tgif no longer uses the old style X cut buffer.

  3. Fix a bug with copying UTF-8 characters in cygwin.

  4. Fix a bug when Tgif.EnableTrueColorImages is set to "true" and positions of true color (i.e., ppm_true) objects do not show up correctly.

  5. In printing/exporting to a PS/EPS/PDF file, if a text object is simple (i.e., single line with no superscript, subscript, or horizontal thin space) and it has a background fill pattern, generate PostScript code to draw a horizontally tighter boundingbox.

  6. Add InsertSymbol() under the Text submenu of the Edit Menu.

  7. Add a very simple right-margin feature when entering text. This is far from a full-featured right-margin. It is only activated under the following conditions: text cursor is at the last position in the text object being edited (i.e., appending to the current text object), text object is not transformed, text is left-justified, text cursor is not inside a superscript or a subscript, no zoom, and Tgif.EditTextSize is not used. Tgif.RightMargin can be used to specify the right margin. Tgif.EnableRightMargin can be used to enable this feature. Add EnableRightMargin() and SpecifyRightMargin() under the Show/Hide submenu of the Layout Menu.

  8. Add overline for text objects.

  9. Add "eq4jpg.sym" and "eq4-2x-jpg" to be used instead of "eq4xpm.sym" if "eq4xpm.sym" gives you an all-black or all-white image. The problem was that there is a bug in ImageMagick's "convert" when converting EPS file to a PPM file. With "eq4jpg.sym" and "eq4-2x-jpg.sym", "convert" will be called to convert an EPS file to a JPEG file with "-scale 25% -density 576" as commandline parameters. These two new symbol files are best used with Tgif.EnableTrueColorImages set to "true".

  10. Remove Tgif.TighterStructuredSplines from the documentation since this X default is invalid.

  11. Add the following internal commands: