The problem is that in the more recent versions of tgif,
by default, there is a "showpage" at the end of a generated
EPS file. The reason for that is more tools that know how to
handle EPS files will properly disable "showpage" when it's
not appropriate.
As you can see in the last line of make_faxcover (the sed
script) is simply "showpage".
After you run make_faxcover,
the resulting file now has 2 "showpage" at the end. Usually,
this should not be a problem because anythingn that handles
and manipulate EPS files will disable "showpage". But my
guess is that the HylaFAX software does not tread the
input file as an EPS file but expect the file to be in a
specific format, i.e., no double "showpage".
One simple fix is to simply delete the "showpage" in
A safer fix (so that it's compatible with all versions of tgif
generated EPS files) would be add a line in make_faxcover to
replace all instances of "showpage" in the input file with a
comment and keep the last "showpage" in make_faxcover. To
achieve this, you can add the following line right below the
last line that begins with "#":
s/^showpage$/% showpage/