Native Language Support for Tgif
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William Chia-Wei Cheng

Intallation Tgifintl

Tgifintl is only useful for tgif-4.1.5 and above, and it is to be installed in the tgif source directory. For example, if your tgif is installed in ~/src/tgif/tgif-4.1.5 and you have tgifintl-1.0.0, do:
    cd ~/src/tgif/tgif-4.1.5
    gunzip -c tgifintl-1.0.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
    cd tgifintl-1.0.0
If you don't have tgif, please download tgif source from tgif's download page. Also, tgif must be compiled with the -D_ENABLE_NLS flag (-D_ENABLE_NLS can be appended to the MOREDEFINES line in tgif's Tgif.tmpl file).
Platform Dependency
Please copy Po.tmpl-PLATFORM to Po.tmpl (where PLATFORM depends on the platform you are on). For example, if you are on a Solaris platform, do:
    rm Po.tmpl
    cp Po.tmpl-solaris Po.tmpl
The default Po.tmpl is identical to Po.tmpl-linux. There's only a few Po.tmpl-* files in the current release of tgifintl. More will be added when they become available. I only have access to limited number of platforms, so if you don't find your platform listed, please ask a local expert to modify Po.tmpl and send a working version to me so I can create new Po.tmpl-* files.

Modify lines in Po.tmpl to match your configuration.

If you want to compile all message catalogs, do:
    make Makefile
    make Makefiles
    make depend
    make all
    make install
If you only want to make one message catalog, say, the "ja" catalog, do:
    make Makefile
    make Makefiles
    make depend
    cd ja
    make all
    make install
    cd ..
Testing the Japanese Tgif Menu on Red Hat Linux 5.x
On my Red Hat Linux 5.x system, after I've done the above steps and did a
    setenv LANG ja
in my tcsh and added the following X default:
    Tgif.MenuFontSet: a14,k14,r14
I got mostly blank menus in tgif! Turns out that the /usr/share/locale/ja directory is mostly blank. If I copy everything from /usr/share/locale/ja_JP.EUC to the /usr/share/locale/ja directory, I will get Japanese menu in tgif! The copying can be done with:
    cd /usr/share/locale/ja_JP.EUC
    tar cf - . | (cd ../ja; tar xvf -)

(Well, if that doesn't work, try:
    cd /usr/share/locale/nl_NL
    tar cf - . | (cd ../ja; tar xvf -)
Certainly this is a hack! If you know what the right way is, please send e-mail to the the author of tgif).

Now the Japanized tgif looks like the following.

An image of Japanized tgif..