Wouldn't it be fantastic if a person could easily recall every moment
of his or her life?
Given that we live in such a technologically advanced society, why should
a person ever have to forget what happened, when it was, where it happened,
who was there, why it happened, and how he or she felt? If
there was a system that could record everything a person sees, hears,
and feels, how would that enhance our lives?
We have enhanced our eye sight with prescription glasses,
our hearing with hearing aids, and our timekeeping ability
with watches. Enhancement of personal memories seems to
be a natural next step.
The aim for the Total Recall project is to design and
develop a personal information management system
which will securely collect, store, and disseminate
data from a variety of personal sensors. It will also allow
customizable searching, analysis, and querying of this data,
in a secure manner.
Numerous applications of such systems
will play an important role in improving people's quality of life.
In general, we believe that the broader impact of
this work would be improvements in people's quality
of life, including enhancement of memories, enhancement
of diminished abilities, prolonged longevity through
better health monitoring and timely response, as well
as improved education at all levels of the educational