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Application Level Adaptation and Control for Retrieval and Delivery of Continuous Media over the Internet

Richard R. Muntz (PI)
Computer Science Department, UCLA.

Don Towsley and Jim Kurose (Co-PIs)
Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts

Leana Golubchik (Co-PI)
Computer Science Department, USC (currently on leave from University of Maryland)

Brazilian Collaborators (this is a joint program between NSF and CNPq):
Edmundo de Souza e Silva, UFRJ (Coordinator)
Berthier Ribeiro de Araujo Neto, UFMG
Paulo Henrique Aguiar Rodrigues, UFRJ
Rosa Maria M. Leao, UFRJ
Sergio Vale Aguiar Campos, UFMG

Other international collaborators:
John C.S. Lui, CUHK, Hong Kong
Giuliana Franceschinis, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy

Contact Information
Leana Golubchik
Computer Science Department
University of Southern California
941 West 37th Place, SAL 312
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781
Voice: (213) 740-4524
FAX: (213) 740-7285
WWW Page
Project Award Information
  • Award Number: ANI-0070016.
  • Duration: 10/01/2000 -- 09/30/2003.
  • Title: Collaborative Research (NSF-CNPq): Application Level Adaptation and Control for Retrieval and Delivery of Continuous Media over the Internet.
Internet-based applications, application-layer adaptation and control, multimedia applications.
Project Summary
Future networked multimedia information systems will carry a wide variety of applications including digital libraries, video, audio and image services, distance learning and collaboration, networked virtual environments, and entertainment. The main characteristics of multimedia applications that lead to difficulties in end-to-end systems design are that they have very large bandwidth and storage requirements, with vastly different performance and reliability requirements, often coupled with real-time constraints. Along with these characteristics, the highly interactive nature of a Along with these characteristics, the highly interactive nature of a variety of multimedia applications, resulting in fairly unpredictable workloads, makes the design and evaluation of networked multimedia information systems an exceptionally challenging problem.

The work in this project is focused on three aspects of this problem:

  • the design and evaluation of server resource allocation algorithms for continuous media (CM) servers in order to retrieve information efficiently and according to the QoS demanded by the application;
  • the development and evaluation of application-level mechanisms for enhancing quality of service delivered by the network to networked multimedia applications;
  • the development of performance evaluation techniques for evaluating new server designs.
The participants of this project bring expertise from a wide variety of areas: databases, multimedia, networking, and performance evaluation to bear on problems in these areas.

Another important feature of this project is that the participants have available a number of prototypes of state of the art multimedia systems. These applications are used to motivate the development of new algorithms for retrieving information and for maintaining the desired quality of service after sending the data over a wide area network. They also form the basis of the many experimental and analytical studies that will be performed to evaluate these new algorithms. To aid in this evaluation, our group also developed performance evaluation and modeing tools. Thus, the environment of our labs as well the long distance among them will provide a unique testbed for this type of an evaluation due to the drastically different connectivities available to our applications, from gigabit low utilized links to intercontinental congested links.

This research represents an important step in the design and performance evaluation of next generation information servers and the networked applications that will operate on top of them. As a result of our research we expect to have a better understanding of how storage server resource management policies, channel allocation policies, and network adaptation policies interact to satisfy the required QoS of CM applications, despite the fairly unpredictable network delays.

Publications and Products
The following are project articles.
  • C.-F. Chou, L. Golubchik, J.C.S. Lui, and I.-H. Chung, ``Design of Scalable Continuous Media Servers'', to apper in a special issue on QoS of Multimedia Tools and Applications.
  • J.C.S. Lui, E. de Souza e Silva, and H.R. Gail, ``Evaluation of Performance Tradeoffs in Scheduling Techniques for Mixed Workload Multimedia Servers'', to appear in Multimedia Tools and Applications.
  • L. Golubchik, J. C.S. Lui, T. F. Tung, A. L.H. Chow, W.-J. Lee, G. Franceschinis, and C. Anglano, ``Multi-path Continuous Media Streaming: What are the Benefits?'', submitted for publication.
  • L. Golubchik, R.R. Muntz, C.F. Chou, and S. Berson, ``Design of Fault Tolerant Large-Scale VOD Servers: with Emphasis on High-Performance and Low-Cost'', IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 12, Number 1, January 2001.
  • M.Y.Y. Leung, J.C.S. Lui, and L. Golubchik, ``Use of Analytical Performance Models for System Sizing and Resource Allocation in Interactive Video-on-Demand Systems Employing Data Sharing Techniques'', to appear in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
  • L. Golubchik and J.C.S. Lui. ``Bounding of Performance Measures for Threshold-based Queueing Systems: Theory and Application to Dynamic Resource Management in Video-on-Demand Servers'', to appear in IEEE Transactions on Computers.
A number of systems have been developed for this project, which include:
  • the Multimedia Asynchronous Networked Individualized Courseware (MANIC) and the Internet Multimedia Proxy (IMP) both developed at UMass.
  • the prototype of a Video-on-Demand server developed in Brazil as part of the cooperative research project among Brazilian institutions.
  • a state-of-the-art tool for constructing performance and reliability models (Tangram-II) developed in Brazil jointly with UCLA.
  • a symbolic model checking tool (VERUS).
Project Impact
  • At the present, this project involves three graduate students and the PI/Co-PIs (one female).
  • The systems developed for this project (refer to above) have been used in graduate and undergraduate courses on performance evaluation and networking. Several class projects in a current graduate course on performance evaluation are related to this research. One of the targeted applications for this research is distance education, e.g., for exchange of courses between the US and Brazilian institutions.
Goals, Objectives, and Targeted Activities
The research in this project addresses a variety of inter-related issues that arise in the design of next generation information systems, with a focus on providing the specified quality of service to the end users. We investigate a broad range of problems from issues on how to efficiently store and retrieve CM information in large systems, to issues on how to efficiently transmit the retrieved information via the Internet.

Although broad in scope, the problems we investigate are tightly related. Our research is divided into three main thrust areas: (1) efficient storage and retrieval, (2) efficient transmission, and (3) performance evaluation

Efficient storage and retrieval. Data placement and scheduling techniques are key to sustaining the necessary data rates of CM applications. We investigate data placement strategies, which are studied not only in the context of dedicated servers for a particular multimedia application but also under the assumption that different applications can run on a single server as well as under the assumption of distribution of servers across wide-area networks.

Efficient transmission. We are developing and evaluating application-level adaptation mechanisms to enhance the quality of services delivered by the network. This includes mechanisms for coping with packet losses and high delay variability imposed by the network which have significant effects on the QoS experienced by clients viewing CM applications. Currently, our primary interest is in delivery of live voice (with an experimental setup between UMD and a couple of sites in Brazil, UFRJ and UFMG) and pre-recorded video (with an experimental setup between USC, UMD, UCLA, Purdue, a site in Hong Kong, CUHK, and a site in Italy, Univeristy of Torino) over wide-area networks (and specifically, over long-haul highly lossy international links). We focus on the development of application layer techniques for improving the perceived QoS when real time continuous media is delivered over wide-area networks, through the use of multiple paths. The goal is to improve performance metrics such as transfer delay, throughput and loss probability, for instance by enhancing the efficiency of FEC schemes and reducing packet loss correlations, and by dynamically adapting to network congestion characteristics, for long lasting transfers.

Performance Analysis. Performance analysis plays an important role in evaluating the design alternatives outlined above. We intend not only to use the tools we develop to aid in the performance evaluation tasks but also to develop new analysis techniques, as needed, in order to evaluate the performance characteristics of algorithms we will investigate. Our goal here is to be able to solve large-scale complex models that will undoubtedly arise in the course of this project. A key issue in building accurate models for our investigation is to perform a careful characterization of the workload generated by the applications in our laboratories, and then develop workload models (based on these characterizations) which can be used in the performance evaluation of server architectures. Furthermore, developing models for understanding the end-to-end network behavior is essential for evaluating the application adaptation mechanisms. The environment of our labs as well the long distance among them will provide a unique testbed for this type of an evaluation due to the drastically different connectivities available to our applications, from gigabit low utilized links to intercontinental congested links.

Area Background
A common thread among the applications considered in this project is the so-called ``continuous'' nature of their data. In continuous media (CM), strict timing relationships exist which define the schedule by which CM data must be rendered (e.g., a video displayed, 3D graphics rendered, or audio played out). These timing relationships coupled with the high aggregate bandwidth needs, high individual application bandwidth needs, and high storage requirements (terabytes) pose significant challenges to the design of such systems.

These systems will consist of large-scale servers servicing large numbers of clients over public wide area networks. They pose yet another challenge because, although the applications require a minimum quality of service (QoS), they will run over networks which for many years to come will be unable to guarantee this. Thus, it is important not only to design servers that can provide minimal QoS to applications in a scalable manner, but also to design application-level mechanisms that will permit the application to adapt to variations in the quality of the intermediate network connection.

Area References
E. de Souza e Silva, H.R. Gail, R.R. Muntz, ``Efficient Solutions for a Class of Non-Markovian Models'', Computations with Markov Chains, W.J. Stewart, editor, pp. 483-506, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
D.R. Figueiredo, Souzae Silva, ``Efficient Mechanisms for Recovering Voice Packets in the Internet'', Proceeding of the IEEE/Globecom'99, December 1999.
J. Salehi and Z. Zhang and J. Kurose and D. Towsley, ``Supporting Stored Video: Reducing Rate Variability and End-to-end Resource Requirements through Optimal Smoothing'', IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, August 1998.
S.Sen and J. Rexford and D. Towsley, Proxy Prefix Caching for Multimedia Streams, Proceedings of INFOCOM'99, March 1999.
J. Bolot and S. Fosse-Parisis and D. Towsley, ``Adaptive FEC-Based Error Control for Interactive Audio in the Internet'', Proceedings of INFOCOM'99, March 1999.
L. Golubchik and S. Khanna and S. Khuller and R. Thurimella and A. Zhu, ``Approximation Algorithms for Data Placement on Parallel Disks'', Proceedings of the 11th SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2000).
E. de Souza e Silva, H.R. Gail, L. Golubchik, and J.C.S. Lui. ``Analytical Models for Mixed Workload Multimedia Storage Servers'', Performance Evaluation, Volume 36-37, October 1999, pp. 185-211. (Presented at the Performance'99 Conference.)
N. F. Maxemchuck, ``Dispersity Routing in Store and Forward Networks'', Ph.D. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania, May 1975.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ANI-0070016.
[Last updated Fri Jun 28 2002]